09 agosto 2007


Amadíssimo Senhor

Sou transparente, sem máscaras,
sem teatro, sem manhas...
sou cristalina e SUA!
eterna e completamente SUA!
Sou muito feliz assim
e LHE agradeço por
ter me reconhecido,
me encoleirado
e ter me Consigo o tempo todo!

milhares de beijinhos felizes e sempre cheios de luz

SUA maria

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Sadly I don't speak your language, but I just had a
peek at your blogspot. Sir Stephen is indeed a very
fortunate man to have been offered your gift of
submission. He must be extrodinary in may ways on
many levels for you to have selected Him.

I want to compliment you on your selection of
photographs in your blog. The words sensual and
erotic seem inadequate. Excellent taste. Thank you
so very much for sharing them with us.

Kisses everywhere!
