não respiro que por SUA boca,
não vejo que por SEUS olhos
e só ouço o que me diz
cada vez que falho, o Senhor me reconduz
ao caminho certo, em SUA direção,
e com carinhos aos molhos
me torna novamente feliz!
nesse meio ano, desde que me reconheceu
reencontrei o brilho e a alegria
das que sabem o que querem d
as que reconhecem seu lugar no mundo.
Sei muito mais sobre o meu eu
Com o Senhor a me guiar há toda uma nova alquimia
e que todas as outras forças vociferem
porque meu amor pelo Senhor, eu só aprofundo.
só quero LHE agradecer
por sob a SUA luz me manter
a guiar a minha paixão.
Na SUA sabedoria, quero beber
a cada amanhecer e anoitecer,
e a cada minuto, lhe mostrar a minha adoração !
dived in a sea of light
only breath by YOUR mouth,
only see that by YOUR eyes
and only hear what YOU say to me
every time I fail,
you drive me back to the right road,
in YOUR direction,
and with your caressesI become again happy!
In this half year , since you had recognized me
I found the brilliance and the joy of the people who know they want
and those who knows their place in the world.
I know much more about me
With you guiding me. There is a new alchemy
and ca nall the other forces shout
because my love by you, only get deepen.
I want only to thank YOU
for maintain myself under YOUR light
and for guide my passion.
In YOUR wisdom, I am going to drink
at each wake up and at each dawn,
and in every minute, show YOU my adoration!
only breath by YOUR mouth,
only see that by YOUR eyes
and only hear what YOU say to me
every time I fail,
you drive me back to the right road,
in YOUR direction,
and with your caressesI become again happy!
In this half year , since you had recognized me
I found the brilliance and the joy of the people who know they want
and those who knows their place in the world.
I know much more about me
With you guiding me. There is a new alchemy
and ca nall the other forces shout
because my love by you, only get deepen.
I want only to thank YOU
for maintain myself under YOUR light
and for guide my passion.
In YOUR wisdom, I am going to drink
at each wake up and at each dawn,
and in every minute, show YOU my adoration!
maria de Sir Stephen
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