I wish, first of all, that you may love,
And in loving, that you may also be loved.
But if you are not, may you be quick in forgetting
And in forgetting, may you not keep hard feelings.
I wish, therefore, that it may not be this way.
But if it is, let it be without despair.
Furthermore I wish that you may have friends
That even if they may be bad and unwise
May be brave and faithful
And that in at least one of them
You may trust completely.
And because life is like that
I wish that you may have enemies
Not many, not few
But in the right quantity so that, sometimes,
You may question yourself
About your own certainties
And that among them,
You may have just one that is fair
So that you may not feel excessively secure
I then wish that you may be useful
But not too vital
And in the bad times,
When there will be nothing else left,
May this utility be enough to keep you standing.
I wish that you may be merciful
Not with those who err little
Because that is easy,
But with those who err plenty and continuously
And in making good use of this mercifulness
You may become an example to others
I wish that you being young,
May not mature too quickly
And in being mature
May you not insist in becoming younger
And in being old
May you not be dedicated to despair
For every age has its pleasure and its pain
And it is essential to let each age flow through us.
I even wish that you may be sad
Not the whole year, but for only one day
And may you in this day discover
That the daily laugh is good,
The usual laugh is insipid and
The constant laugh is insane.
I wish that you may realize
With great urgency
Over and despite of all things that
There are oppressed
Hurt and unhappy people
And that they are around you
Moreover, I wish that you may stroke a cat
Feed a cuckoo and hear the birds
Triumphantly raise their morning praise
Because that way you may feel well
For no apparent reason
I also wish that you may plant a seed
Regardless of how small it may be
And follow its growth, so that
You may know of just how many
Lives a tree is made of.
I wish furthermore that you may have money
For it is indispensable to be practical
And that at least once a year
You may place part of it in front of you
And say: “This is mine”
Just so it may be clearly stated
Who is the owner of whom.
I also wish that none of your dearest may die
For their sake and also for yours
But if it so happens, may you be able to cry
Without lamenting
And to suffer without guilt
I finally wish that you, being a man,
May have a fine woman
And being a woman
May find a fine man
And that you may love each other
Today, tomorrow and every single day that follows
And may it be that when you become exhausted and smiley
There may still be love to start over and over again.
And if all that comes to be,
I have no further wish to wish for…
And in loving, that you may also be loved.
But if you are not, may you be quick in forgetting
And in forgetting, may you not keep hard feelings.
I wish, therefore, that it may not be this way.
But if it is, let it be without despair.
Furthermore I wish that you may have friends
That even if they may be bad and unwise
May be brave and faithful
And that in at least one of them
You may trust completely.
And because life is like that
I wish that you may have enemies
Not many, not few
But in the right quantity so that, sometimes,
You may question yourself
About your own certainties
And that among them,
You may have just one that is fair
So that you may not feel excessively secure
I then wish that you may be useful
But not too vital
And in the bad times,
When there will be nothing else left,
May this utility be enough to keep you standing.
I wish that you may be merciful
Not with those who err little
Because that is easy,
But with those who err plenty and continuously
And in making good use of this mercifulness
You may become an example to others
I wish that you being young,
May not mature too quickly
And in being mature
May you not insist in becoming younger
And in being old
May you not be dedicated to despair
For every age has its pleasure and its pain
And it is essential to let each age flow through us.
I even wish that you may be sad
Not the whole year, but for only one day
And may you in this day discover
That the daily laugh is good,
The usual laugh is insipid and
The constant laugh is insane.
I wish that you may realize
With great urgency
Over and despite of all things that
There are oppressed
Hurt and unhappy people
And that they are around you
Moreover, I wish that you may stroke a cat
Feed a cuckoo and hear the birds
Triumphantly raise their morning praise
Because that way you may feel well
For no apparent reason
I also wish that you may plant a seed
Regardless of how small it may be
And follow its growth, so that
You may know of just how many
Lives a tree is made of.
I wish furthermore that you may have money
For it is indispensable to be practical
And that at least once a year
You may place part of it in front of you
And say: “This is mine”
Just so it may be clearly stated
Who is the owner of whom.
I also wish that none of your dearest may die
For their sake and also for yours
But if it so happens, may you be able to cry
Without lamenting
And to suffer without guilt
I finally wish that you, being a man,
May have a fine woman
And being a woman
May find a fine man
And that you may love each other
Today, tomorrow and every single day that follows
And may it be that when you become exhausted and smiley
There may still be love to start over and over again.
And if all that comes to be,
I have no further wish to wish for…
I wish you - Victor Hugo (*1802 +1885)
Dear Friends
all the happiness in the world
2009 illuminato !
And that each of my friends succeed what they want more in this new year!